Tuesday 1 March 2011

A great grandmother!

Audrey and I met a lovely lady on the doors today.  She is on crutches and will be for some months.   I can empathise as I too was in plaster and on crutches for months. You feel really wobbly on your feet when they take both plaster and crutches away.  I hung on to my hospital walking stick until they wrestled it away from me and sent me out into the cold world on just my own two feet,  like a middle-aged toddler.

She and her husband are both churchgoers, and when I called on her husband last month he said that I could drop the Watchtower and Awake! magazines in every month.  So we took round the March magazines today.

As she obviously says the Lord's Prayer, I asked her what she was praying for when she asked for God's Kingdom to come.  And I showed her that the main articles in the magazines would show her exactly what the Bible says it is.

It was too cold to keep her talking at the door, but the magazines say it much better than I ever could.

We did a big Tesco shop this afternoon - but a quiet day otherwise. I am just off to do my studying now - rather late in the day.  I replied to Kathryn's beautiful postcard from Tenerife which had  lot of news on the back but failed to post it at Tesco, so it will have to go in the post tomorrow.

Today Jackie has become a great-granny!!

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