Sunday 5 December 2010

A Winter Sunday in Retirement

I should have been in deepest darkest Surrey today but the weather has forced them to postpone our assembly. The elders obviously put in a lot of effort behind the scenes and we were able to have a meeting this morning, with Micah giving a very effective (and in my case guilt-making) talk.  And i was able to get the magazines and DVDs for Maggie so we popped round with them this afternoon, and had a cup of tea. She looks very well and is being good about resting her foot as she has been told to.
We had a walk on the beach this afternoon.  The tide was out - the sun was out - a big flock of seabirds were also out shining very white in the Winter sunshine.  It was beautiful, speaking so clearly of its Grand Creator, Jehovah of armies.
Col metal detected a couple of modern coins and I got a wink from Maurice the Mussel as we walked by. (What a charmer he is - and Bea has emailed to say she agrees.)
Anne Skyped this morning with more Bible questions - I have emailed more info - and we hope to talk again on Tuesday or Wednesday.  I hope she will start to go back to the Kingdom Hall. She says she is thinking about it.
We lunched off the chicken from yesterday, plus the apple crumble (thanks to Sue for the windfall apples she brought to the group), and I used up the mushrooms to make a soup.
A lovely day.

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