Friday 6 November 2015

The Caterpillar that Wanted to Fly

Mullein moth caterpillar, Shargacucullia verbasci
On The Apprentice on Wednesday night, the contestants had to write, publish, and sell a children's book - for 3 to 5 year olds.  For some strange TV reason, the wrong book won. But it really got me going and I spent quite a bit of bedtime thinking about the book.   My subconscious must have worked away while I was asleep because I woke up to:


As their books were in rhyme, I have tried to do the same with mine.

Carl the Caterpillar goes off to Caterpillar school   (to learn the caterpillar rules?)   Anyway, they are there to learn to eat and fly, but he is impatient and wants to try (see my rhyme?) to fly.  He ripples off up to the roof and tries to fly off it. At which point I need a rhyme for Kersplat.   He then decides he needs a parachute, and makes one out of a nasturtium leaf, and tries again.  He floats down under nasturtium power until,  half way down, hunger pangs strike and he eats his parachute leaf.   There will be a rhyme there with "and so he comes to grief".

It ends happily when he goes back to school and learns how to enter into the magic chrysalis room; from there he soars up to the sky, something something something high, a brand-newly minted butterfly!

I am quite pleased with it. And Lord Sugar, if you are listening in, can I have my quarter million pounds now?

I had to listen in to the Meeting last night - but hope to be back to the Hall on Sunday.  I am coughing a lot less.  And I hope I will get to the AGM tomorrow.   I did make two batches of marmalade cupcakes this morning, so hopefully my cakes will go even if I don't. And I am up to date with my studying.

Ken is out of hospital today, after a harrowing time. We are all getting so old...

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