Saturday 31 May 2014

The Long(ish) March

I delivered the magazine to Bob yesterday - sans stick - and after a chat with him - he also took a "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" - I carried on, crossed the road, not holding on the Captain's arm (he was off butterflying) and posted my letter to Vera.   It really is a second childhood, and so I am now re-learning to cross the road on my own.

Our Watchtower study this week is all about caring for the elderly...

Talked to Audrey, talked to Jeremy about the upcoming lunch for Aunt Jo in London - don't know yet if I will be up to a trip to London, but hope we might make it.  Did a couple of loads of washing, some routine dusting (that never ends) and tried to work out what to cook for Jacks tonight.  Decided on Chinese, as Col was shopping at a large supermarket. He was there on butterfly business, as a rare butterfly - lets call it The Duke of Fritillary - had been spotted nearby.

However, and so much for giant supermarkets, they did not have all the ingredients I wanted. And it was nothing very exotic, I am just planning stir fry chicken and mushrooms and stir fried veggies in a sweet/sour sauce.   How it will turn out now I don't know. On the bland side, I suppose. Plus the Captain came home very grumpy as he loathes food shopping, and especially shopping for food in giant supermarkets.  I am with him on the second one, but look forward to getting back to shopping for myself, as I often only decide what to cook when I see what's available.

Anyway, he did a valiant job, killed sackloads of groceries, slung them over his manly shoulders and brought them home.

It is a sunny morning here - the Captain flew off with sandwiches and cameras tucked under his wing as soon as I opened the windows - and I have had a half hour of studying on the sunny balcony.  I am praying a lot about getting back to going out on the door to door walk again, as I hope to do over the summer. I do not find it easy. But then who does?

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