Thursday 9 May 2019

In which the Circuit Overseer gives his first Talk and I am struck down by a heavy cold

Cough cough sneeze sneeze. I feel dreadful.  And my eyes are so sore.  I'm having a job reading anything - so I hope this blog will make sense.

 It was quite a busy day yesterday.  I took Jacks to the doctors for her appointment - a long one - visited Maggie in the afternoon and shopped for Jacks too.  But by the evening I was not feeling at all well and rang up and cancelled my Field Service for this morning. Though, having said that, my partner rang to cancel anyway - family issues.

Today I plan to keep warm and keep hydrated and hope I am up to the busy Saturday that lies ahead.
Captain Moth-Butterfly was home for most of the day until called away mid afternoon on a SUSSAR rescue.

All volunteers and they have to raise their own funds.  Col did a talk this week that earned them some money.

I hope the gallant creature is OK out there.

We had a great meeting on Tuesday (our midweek meeting changes from Tuesday to Thursday during a Circuit Overseer visit).  It started with the Butterfly Talk.  The Damaged wings.   We too can fly, in the spiritual sense, despite all the damage we carry from the moment our first parents unplugged themselves from their Creator, their Source of life.   We can obey our Creator, or do our imperfect best to.  That is all Jehovah asks from us, to show him that we do love and respect his law and know that it is the best way of life.  He knows we cannot make ourselves perfect.  He will do that for us during the Thousand years, under the loving rule of the Kingdom of God.

And the C.O.Talk was very timely.  "No Weapon formed against you will have any Success".

And we watched a sad but inspiring video of our dear Russian brothers and sisters, who are being prosecuted under a Religious Terrorism Act...     I felt so sad to see armed, masked soldiers burst into the Kingdom Hall.  We are a peaceful people, and don't hurt or threaten anyone.

And hopefully a lot of people are asking themselves why this is happening.  And maybe they will start to wake up, spiritually.

And to return to the title of the talk, Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted by both sides in WW2.  German Witnesses were sent to the camps early,and wore the Purple Triangle. 

The Circuit Overseer remuuded us that, n 1939, just before the war broke out, there were 72,475 publishers of the good news of the Kingdom.    And in 1945, as the war ended, there were 156,290.

Jehovah has said in his inspired word that,just before this wicked system of things on the earth comes to its end, the good news of the Kingdom will be preached all over the inhabited earth.

And so it is being, just as God said.

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