Monday 18 February 2019

"Waiting for Gordo" - another review!

I was talking to a facebook friend yesterday.  They were asking about my book and said they would buy a copy - and while I was looking up the Amazon site to send them a link, I came across a review in an online dive magazine.

The Reviewer says that the book "gets to him"., even though its not about diving as such.   I am so pleased it did and must try to see if can find him online and thank him.

THIS SLIM VOLUME is an eccentric thriller about a mixed bunch of middle-aged scuba-divers holidaying on a small resort island, presumably
in the Maldives, as seen through the filter of non-diver of the group Miranda.
The book is Sue Knight’s second novel, and I’m not sure if it’s significant that the author is a Jehovah’s Witness, although her publisher does underline the fact.
It kicks off with the lyrics of the nursery song Ten Green Bottles Hanging On a Wall, setting the theme of a book in which the cast of characters soon starts thinning out.
I didn’t count how many friends there were, and kept getting mixed up as to which was which, because we don’t really get to know any of them well, apart from Miranda and her domineering husband Jim, but they probably do number 10.
Some of the friends are friendlier than others. Gordo, Jim’s dive-buddy, is, as the title suggests, lurking offstage.
The story is out as a paperback but I had downloaded the ebook on Kindle to read while sitting on the beach on a different tropical dive-island.
The book wasn’t long enough to divert me from diving for too long, but my vaguely unreal paradise surroundings did match the atmosphere of the book nicely, and the story has an unsettling dream-like quality that gets to you.
The plot might seen quite slight, but there are hidden depths there.
I wouldn’t normally rush to the bookshelf for a dose of magical realism but Waiting for Gordo made for a pleasant diversion.
I should make clear, however, that unlike in Twelve Mile Bank, and despite the dive-island setting, it turns out that there is precious little actual scuba-diving in this book!
Review by Steve Weinman

When I wrote Gordo, I was middle-aged Miranda.  Now I am elderly Miranda. 

Our lives are so short   .  So it was great to be at the meeting at the Kingdom Hall Sunday morning - and to be reminded of the hope we have.   

And thank you so much Steve Weinman, your review is much appreciated.  It is interesting that he notes I am a Jehovah's Witness.  My young publisher did include that info, though I didn't ask him to, as (sadly) he does not share my beliefs.   Obviously my religions beliefs inform what I write to some extent, but this is not a book about religion in any way.  Though it is about the way we are ruining the earth - and how NOT to tackle the problem.

But when I first went to the Maldives - so many years ago I feel dizzy thinking about it - I used to wonder why, when we were here on a paradise island - so beautiful - with a a group of lovely divers - it clearly wasn't paradise. And it should have been.

The creation was trying to tell me something.  And I wondered and wondered about what Janet Frame calls "the sadness that belongs to the world".   So even though I knew next to nothing about the Bible at the time, let alone Jehovah's promise "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth", that is kind of where the book began.  With a question:  It ought to be paradise, why isn't it?

I don't answer the question in my book.  But the Inspired Scriptures, both Hebrew and Christian Greek, do answer. Its a wonderful answer.  So please - talk to us when we call, and accept a free home Bible study.

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