Saturday 6 September 2014

Bibi’s ordeal

"Bibi’s ordeal began on the evening of July 5, 2014, when she and her husband, Vepa Tuvakov, along with their son, went to a train station in Dashoguz to pick up religious literature and personal possessions sent by a friend from Ashgabad. Just after the Tuvakovs retrieved the luggage, six male police officers in plain clothes detained them and demanded to see the bags’ contents. Finding a laptop computer and religious literature of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the police screamed obscenities and threatened that their son would soon be an orphan."

You can read her story on, if you want to.  They will keep us updated and we will be praying for her.   Jesus said that his followers would be sheep among wolves.  

But we are sheep guided by "the fine shepherd" - Jesus himself, who is Jehovah's annointed one.

A very quiet day yesterday, in which I seem to achieved nothing at all.  I did the Butterfly Paperwork the day before and got the Membership Packages to the Post Office on Friday.  I bumped into Tom in Waitrose, and one of my sisters in the Charity Shop.  I was looking for books - and am now re-reading "Martin Chuzzlewit" in consequence.

Poor Augustus Moddle. And poor not very young any more Charity (spoiler alert), left at the altar.

Apart from that... I did my studying, a tiny bit of housework, and made us a curry supper.  Or rather heated up a chicken curry I had made previously and re-heated.

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