Friday 11 July 2014

The Beautiful Names of Moths

I have been doing nothing much, except lying on the bed and reading.   So now I feel guilty.  I did clean the fridge and provide Captain Butterfly with his meals - plus the usual studying (on the balcony, in the sun) and housework.  And replied to Kathryn's card. They have been on one of those river cruises in Germany - which apparently was as good as they look in the telly adverts.  I hope to see her and Jen in September.

The Captain's log is full of moths now. And what beautiful names they have - the Grass Veneer, the Rosy Tabby, the Dusky Pearl - and how exquisitely made they are.  Jehovah is the Grand Creator - His work tells us that at every turn.  Genesis tells us that nature was not created "red in tooth and claw".  And the whole Bible - from Genesis to Revelation - assures us that the peace of Eden will be restored earthwide, through the incoming Kingdom of God.

There will be a "new heaven" - a new rulership over the earth, from heaven, by the heavenly government, the Kingdom of God - and a "new earth".  Within the Christian congregation we are already being gathered back into the one loving family that we always should have been.

Spoke to Lara at the meeting last night - we will get together on Tuesday for a practise session, as I am her householder next Thursday.   We had a short video about our upcoming Convention at Twickenham. There will be 50,000 attending.   Jackie, Maggie and I are all wondering about where the Old Crocks Seating will be.  And how far we will have to walk from the coach... we have been warned it might be quite a way.

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