Sunday 29 September 2019

The Moon on a Stick

Is there an election in the offing?  I ask because someone on the telly was just offering me the moon on a stick if I voted for him.   Fortunately, that offer does not tempt me to take sides and vote as I don't know what I would do with it, or where I could store it.  Back in the night sky I guess.

So its all a bit pointless.  I am more than happy to go on being "no part" of it all.

The valiant Jean and I were out Saturday morning.  We even managed to make it to the Field Service group, after our usual confusions.  The kind elder in charge gave us a small and beautiful Close, just on the edge of my driving territory - involving a big boy roundabout that is scary, a train crossing that is scary, and on the way back a nasty right hand turn on a bend... also scary.

I prayed about it and it all went like clockwork - no holdups - a straightforward glide through.  And I am so grateful to Jehovah for that.

Yeserday afternoon we were at Dan and Libby's, with the Corfu crowd, including Butterfly Mark and his wife.  We took the curries I spent Friday making:  Potato, Guerati cabbage and carrot, and a tomato'ey salsa thing.  It was a lovely spread of Indian foods, and I got to sit next to the young son of the household - an interesting lad (good looking too!) - and told him something about the olden days.  Food rationing etc.

We knew nothing of Indian cuisine back then - well I suppose those who had served in the Raj did, but that was not most of us.   The first we knew of it was a Vesta dried curry... which was very exciting at the time.

Yesterday was a million miles away from Vesta.  And a fun afternoon/evening.

I love the Dan and Libby house.  It is old and rambling and full of books, pictures and interesting things.

Today the rain is lashing down - wonderful waves on the Channel - its a symphony of grey and white and quite hard to tell sea from sky. The balcony geraniums are lashing about too.  And we are both going out in it.  Himself is off detectorising - and I am off to the meeting.

This has been a very busy weekend - for me, nowadays.  And its not finished yet, as we have Jacks coming for supper and I have no idea what to give her.  I will have to have a mad dash through the rain this afternoon to get something in, or the poor Captain will have to go for fish and chips later.

And we are nearly at the end of another month. Talking about the 1950s yesterday reminded me of how long a month used to last.  They have shrunk a lot since then and hurtle past, faster and faster.

One thing you don't need to worry about in retirement is being bored.  Life seems more and more ineresting and wonderful but it hurtles by more and more quickly.

Our lives are so short now.  But if we listen to our Creator, Jehovah, and obey him, (and he is sending his Witnesses out worldwide) we can hope to live forever on this lovely planet.   We can "inherit the earth", as Jesus famously promised.

Can we even imagine how much happiness lies in store?

And this is a promise we can rely on.   As we study the Inspired Scriptures we can see over and over again how all that Jehovah promises he carries out - perfectly and to time.   An example is the Seventy Weeks prophecy in Daniel - which not only told the Jews the exact year the Messiah would arrive, but which warns what would happen next.   As it did.

Jehovah's promises are not moons-on-sticks, as election promises, no mattter how sincerely made, can often prove to be.   These are promises from the One who created the moon and the stars and whose power keeps them safely in the skies.

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