Friday 13 September 2019

Ivon Hitchens at The Pallant

We went to Chichester on Tuesday, shopped a bit, had a curry lunch, and then visited the Ivon Hitchens at The Pallant Gallery:

Its a fun exhibition. I love the colours he uses, we both did.  My favourite was The Iron Bridge over the Rother.   Normally Jacks would have come with us, but I think those days are now gone.

Getting old means saying goodbye to more and more things.   We had a "last Pallant visit" with Jacks over 2 years ago, I guess. But we didn't know it was the last.   We are talking about taking her out for a pub lunch next month though, when she is over the shock of the fall.

And as for what is happening in the world...  that is all recorded every day, all over cyberspace. And it is awful as cruelty and lawlessness increase worldwide.   Why anyone should doubt the Bible's warning that the whole system lies in the power of "the wicked one" Satan the devil, I do not know. He is called both "the father of the lie" and "a manslayer". 

And how many lies are used to start wars, getting brother to kill brother?

The current wicked system of things on the earth is coming to its end, and Satan will take as many down into destruction as he can.   Has the Kingdom preaching work Jesus left for his followers to do ever been as urgent?

Whch makes me wonder guiltily what on earth I did on Wednesday?  I know we shopped - for us and Jacks - and I have a feeling I slept on the sofa most of the afternoon.   All I can say is must try to do better.   I am so tired at the moment.  Being old, with arthritis, is sometimes like running on empty.

My Fitbit is a little sneakpot.  Captain B was sitting at his computer and he suddenly said accusingly: "Your Fibit battery is low."   "How do you know?", I asked, surprised.  "It just told me so."

Big Brother is watching me.

We seem to have lost quite a few of our moth babies, but the others are thriving, and Col went out and found some more of the leaves they like. They are very faddy, but that is babies for you. 

And I was out on the door to door preaching work with my siblings Thursday morning. Had a good morning - not many at home, but had some good conversations, placed  3 little publications, and were given some cooking apples by one kind gentleman.  I had intended Captain B to have baked apple and custard for his supper, but Jean rang me while I was cooking, with a lot to tell me, and it turned out to be disintegrated apple by the time I got to it.

Still, he has eaten it all.

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