Thursday 19 September 2019

The Crystal Spirit

The Crick biography of George Orwell has nearly reduced me to tears.  I am just reading about his experiences in Spain in the 1930s, where just for a moment, he found a glimpse of what he was looking for.

He had come from a dismal minor public school background, and had worked as part of the Imperial Police in Burma - an experience which made him loathe colonialism in all its forms.

Then for a moment in Spain - how to explain without explaining the ramifications of the Spanish Civil War, which I am not able to do  - but just for a moment, before the totalitarians on both sides surged in and took over he saw what he felt was true brotherhood - the world as it should be.

The faction he joined was the POUM (as I said, I can't explain all the politics of the Spanish civil war) and George Orwell said this of it:

"The essential point of the system was social equality between officers and men.  Everyone... mingled on terms of complete equality... Of course, there was not perfect equality, but there was a nearer approach to it than I would have thought conceivable in time of war." Describing his feeling three months later he said:  "I was breathing the air of equality, and I was simple enough to imagine that it existed all over Spain.  I did not realise that more or less by chance I was isolated among the most revolutionary section of the Spanish working class". ...  He was engulfed in comradeship.  Nothing that happened later could ever take away that extraordinary experience."
("George Orwell a Life", by Bernard Crick, Penguin 1982)

And Orwell wrote this:

But the thing that I saw in your face
No power can disinherit
No bomb that ever burst
Shatters the crystal spirit.

There for a moment he saw the potential for a loving world of brothers - but the totalitarians of Left and Right were just about to step out of the wings.  And Genesis tells us who it was set the spirit or rebellion in the world, i.e. Satan the devil.  And he promotes it to this very day. So, with the best and most sincere intentions in the world, can any good come from it in the end?

The warning in the Hebrew Scripures remains as true as it always has been.   It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. (Jeremiah 10:23)

When George Orwell is woken from the dreamless sleep of death, he will open his eyes in an earth ruled by the law of loving kindness. The human race will be the one family we truly are, united in love for our Creator and each other.  It is the earth we pray for when we ask for God's Kingdom to come.

All that potential he saw for goodness will be realised - not destroyed.  His poem will have proved true.

I hope I am there to meet him one day.

I had intended to get to the Field Service group Tuesday morning but instead I had to go to the doctor's. Flu shot.However, I took the opportunity to do 3 of our return visits which are difficult to do with Jean, as we need to try to park close to the doors, and its so hard to find a space. Anyway, I set off a bit early and thought I would have a go. And had 3 lovely calls. Really lovely.

What I did Monday and Wednesday has vanished - gone with the wind that swept through Georgia (to coin a phrase) - though I did go out on Wednesday afternoon with one of the young pioneers. And this morning was busy.  I met a sister at the territory, an exclusive private road, with some amazing houses. We had got about a quarter way along when we were told very firmly by one gentleman that we must leave the road as it is No Cold Callers - it says so on the big gates that lead into the estate. And we hadn't noticed! We assured him we would leave - and did. And, yes, there was a sgn on the big gates saying No Cold Callers, among other things.  So we will advise the congregation elders accordingly.

We then went to a couple of my return visits across the road - no-one home - then for coffee at Waitrose, followed by shopping in my case - for us and for Jacks.

This afternoon all I seem to have done apart from get Captain B's tea organised - he likely won't be back till I am at the meeting - is doze on the sofa in front of the afternoon telly.

Tomorrow - who knows?  Ideally I will do a couple of return visits and have a walk. And do my studying for the Sunday meeting.

It is a beautiful sunny September - blue skies, sunshine, the Autumn colours starting, and lovely cool nights.

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