Monday 16 September 2019

Miss Milton Paled

Is it a sign of my age - of my approaching death (damaged child of Adam that I am) - that glimpses of the past keep coming back so vividly, but, as they say, I can't remember what I had for my lunch yesterday?  Though actually I can - it was the spring rolls from the freezer, and his Lordship had ham sandwiches plus cake somewere out in the Steyning Wilderness.

But I found myself laughing this morning at a childhood memory from the William books.  It amused me then, it amuses me now.  William is to have a part in the village panto. He is to be a member of the bird chorus,, and Miss Milton has written him a little poem to recite.   It goes like this:

"Around the garden
 I do flit
 Tom-tit I am
 I am Tom-tit".

But William says he wants to be a vulture, and he writes his own poem.  It goes like this:

"I swoop down upon 'em
 And then
 Dead men I eat
 I eat dead men."

"Miss Milton paled."

I used to spend many rainy hours at Nabbs curled up in one of its back rooms with a William book from one of the book filled cupboards and shelves.

And I remember what we had for supper yesterday too.  Col had the cold remains of the chicken pie and accompaniments that he, Jacks and I had hot on Saturday night. And I supped off the remains of the soup (veggie) and a bowl of Alpen.

So obviously Jacks was round Saturday night - and we had our usual fun evening.   Col was out metal detecting during the day - after we both had our Flu shots - and I was at the Hall for the broadcast.

At about 17 minutes in, you will find the story of the JW congregation in Canada that suddenly found it had a thousand people requesting a home Bible Study! 

I do keep saying to family and friends here in the UK to take the offer of a free home Bible study - one hour a week, at a tme to suit you - while it is still so freely available, so easy.

Just hear us out.  And check everything we tell you against your Bible, which is a rock of truth in a spinning world.  And use whatever translation you want, but preferably a modern language one, as English is a living language.  And ideally use a translation that does not remove God's name, Jehovah. Remember that Jesus asked us to pray that his Father's name should be hallowed, or sanctified.

Jesus made his Father's name known.  At John 17:26 he said:  "I have made your name known to them, and will make it known."

And so shouldn't all his followers do the same, make Jehovah's name known?.

What did I do on Friday? That I must admit has vanished into the mists of time.  I think I must have shopped, for us and for Jacks.- and I would suppose I had made the cauliflower cheese for Saturday then, but in fact I made it Saturday morning.

Sunday was the meeting at the Kingdom Hall. I chauffered a young sister and her father to the Hall, but they decided they would walk back, it was such a nice day. And its a lovely walk along the Seafront.

I used to do it myself.  Yesterday, when I was young.

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