Wednesday 13 June 2018

The Bea Orchid and a Green Warning

This orchid arrived Saturday night, carried here by Jackie, but arranged (via pigeon post) from Bea of the Northern Wilderness.  It is white - my favourite orchid colour.   When she rang our doorbell Jacks said she needed Captain B to come and escort her up the stairs.  Because, of course, she was carrying an orchid as well as the usual bottle of wine.  And our lightning-frazzled lift is still out of order.

It is looking splendid on our orchid table and I plan to ask Captain B for a photo to attach.

As Saturday was a busy day for both of us - Captain B chasing the Black Hairstreak herds across the Sussex plains and me out early to the Hall, then delivering invitations to the upcoming Convention, then lunch at the Hall followed by the Broadcast, then Hall cleaning, then home - I had kept things simple.  I had a Lasagne from Cooks in the freezer so all I had to do was to set the table and make the salad and dressing.

It was a great evening with Jacks as it always is.

We - Jehovah's Witnesses - are going door to door telling all who will listen that we are coming to the end of the current wicked system of things on the earth.   Two thousand years ago Jehovah promised that he would "bring to ruin those ruining the earth". - Revelation 11:18

Ruining the earth.  When those words were written down, two thousand years ago, would it have seemed possible that we could bring a whole planet to ruin, let alone the only one we have to live on?

Yet is it exaggerating to say that is happening now - that the earth is very close to ruin?

I noted this article:

Green warning – Springwatch presenter Chris Packham has warned that we are presiding over “an ecological apocalypse” and Britain is increasingly “a green and unpleasant land”. The naturalist has urging people to join a 10-day “bioblitz” next month which will aim to record what wildlife remains – from butterflies to bryophytes, linnets to lichens – in Britain’s highways and byways.

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