Wednesday 27 June 2018

A Bat in our Belfry?

The balcony Batbox?   Is it inhabited?   The moths still seem to come and go, unobstructed, but...

...who is this strange character who joins us in the evenings - very Goth in his black cloak - to complain about the cramped nature of his accommodation?  What is wrong with our spacious spare bedroom?  And where does he go during the daytime?

He is a Count apparently  - from somewhere in Eastern Europe - yet he seems to have no interest in debating the Brexit/Bremain situation with the Captain.  He arrived by ship - which ineptly managed to wreck itself on the shoals of pebbles on our shingly foreshore.  They all made it safely to the shore, wading through the ankle deep waves.

Or am I imagining the whole thing?  Are there bats in my belfry?

Yesterday was a busy day.   When I say "busy" - I mean busy in the nowadays sense, when getting up, getting showered and getting dressed can sometimes seem like climbing Everest.

It was a very hot day too - it was hotter than Portugal apparently - and its set to be even hotter today.  Far too much for me.

I had my blood test in the morning, for my hospital appointment next week.  Because of its timing I could not take Jean to the Field Service group. So I went shopping afterwards - Lidls and Sainsburys this time, parking in the Lidls carpark.  I also posted the Butterfly Memberships - I have never been so slow in getting them sent before - they arrived nearly a week ago - but at least they are now winging their way to our new members.

I even managed to find a couple of new tops to wear at the upcoming Brighton Convention.

Then I toiled up the stairs with my shopping - meeting an upstairs neighbout toiling her way down.  Her husband has had to miss (cancel) two hospital appointments because there is still no lift.   They will not be fixed till mid-July, at the earliest...

I forced myself to go out on a call - the teaching at the Sunday meeting really helped - and while doing so I placed all the rest of my Convention invites, bar one. So that is off my mind. I have a plan for the last one on Thursday.

Then back for a light lunch - the remains of last night's soup - and off to pick up Jean to take her on some calls.  We only managed 35 minutes, it was so hot, but she had two productive calls.  Neither of my calls was at home, but at least  I tried.

Afterwards it was a quiet evening in with a tired Captain B - he too had a long day out in the heat, looking for the Purple Emperor.  We had supper and watched the  footie. Team Somebody scored 2 goals and Team Somebody Else scored 1 goal.  I hope all were happy about it. I fell asleep.

I am planning a very quiet day today - tomorrow I will need to shop early to make sure everything is sorted foodwise for the weekend, and I have a call to do on Thursday afternoon. I am usually there for about an hour - it is in the flats next door. And their lifts are working!

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