Monday 6 April 2015

The Stevie take on things.

I have been re-reading my Stevie Smith and thought I would give you her take on things.

by Stevie Smith

In his fur the animal rode, and in his fur he strove,
And oh it filled my heart my heart,it filled my heart with love.

If you held a gun to my head and forced me to choose a favourite Stevie poem, that would have to be it.

And here is a Stevie take on WW2.

by Stevie Smith

It was my bridal night I remember,
An old man of seventy-three
I lay with my young bride in my arms,
A girl with t.b.
It was wartime, and overhead
The Germans were making a particularly heavy raid on Hampstead.
What rendered the confusion worse, perversely
Our bombers had chosen that moment to set out for Germany
Harry, do they ever collide?
I do not think it has ever happened,
Oh my bride, my bride.

A good poem about the madness of it all.   The Battle of Britain was fought in the skies above my head - only a few years before I was born.  I hope Jehovah will remember all those young pilots, on both sides, when the time comes for the resurrection.

Two quiet days,with little achieved, except for a lovely meeting at the Hall on Sunday morning. And Jacks came round for a curry supper - courtesy of Cooks - on Saturday. And we had a  fun evening, with lots of laughs.  Captain Butterfly did his first transect of the year today - and we did a big shop.  I washed the floors, did all my studying for the Thursday night, as our Ministry School meeting starts on Tuesday night this week, as we have a Circuit Overseer visit.

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