Saturday 1 September 2012

Driving Miss Maggie

Yesterday morning with Maggie, doing her magazine route and making a start on my October magazines.  We had coffee afterwards in her lovely warm kitchen. She is going to choose some special seats for us at the new Hall on Sunday. She is always there very early, which does help.

She told me of a wonderful dream she had, of being in the Paradise earth, with Don.  She is longing to see him again.

But how tired just that morning out made me. I feel like the little mermaid in the Hans Anderson tale (a larger and more elderly version), who got her wished-for legs, but walking on them felt like walking on knives.  Yup.  That is what walking with my knees is like. I dozed on the bed for a lot of the afternoon, just resting them.  And I climbed Everest again, this time with John Krakauer, and the heartbreaking 1996 disaster teams.

We have two ex-Expats coming to visit next week, and tomorrow is not only the first meeting at the new Kingdom Hall, with - I so much hope - Richard being there for his first meeting - but its also the Nicola Benedetti concert in the afternoon, with Himself and Jackie.

And here is another landmark of old age.  I find that nowadays I much much prefer a matinee performance to going out in the evening.

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