Friday 10 February 2012

Questions people ask

Is retirement boring?  What do you find to do?  How do you fill up your days?

Well, when I can find time, I will answer them.   Yesterday, it was off to the group, then on to our Bible student, then a dash to the shops to post butterfly memberships and to buy something for lunch and cook it in time for Captain Eyetest's return from his expedition to Specsavers; afternoon, write talk to give to my householder at the Hall tonight - we are on the big stage in a weeks time - couldn't leave it any longer - make supper (aka "open a tin of soup") and drive to meeting.  Drove back through heavy snow, though it didn't last and hasn't stayed.  Today I have 3 urgent letters to do - letters, not emails - one in answer to an anguished postcard that arrived a week ago - study, make chicken casserole for weekend, and get ready for field service tomorrow.   Although, bearing in mind that I am retired and tired (arthritis) my days are punctuated by plenty of couch potatoing in front of my daytime favourites and regular intervals lying on the bed (aching back, arthritis again).

But there is no reason to be bored in retirement.  And in any case, you don't retire from the Christian preaching work.   And there is no more satisfying and important - and urgent! - work.  Which is not the same as saying that its easy.

Captain B who still has immense reserves of energy has left for Wisley.  He will meet Mark there and they will photograph butterflies to their hearts content.

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