Friday 9 October 2020

The Bea and the Bus

 Now, I like Bea (very much) and  I like buses too.  But which is best?  To quote Harry Hill, there is only one way to find out - FIGHT!!!!!!

And unfortunately Bea lost the fight... though to be fair it was really a fight between a bus and car that she got caught up in, but that would not make an alliterative title for my blog.  She - a passenger on the bus in question - had just got up to ring the bell for her stop when a car suddenly turned in front of the bus without signalling, forcing the driver to slam the brakes on - and mount the pavement.   Bea managed to hold on and not fall over, but her wrist was so badly wrenched that she ended up with a torn ligament, and is now in a sling for a couple of weeks.  Her right  wrist too.  No fun at all - and especially difficult when you live on your own.

And it would be a nightmare for me as not only am I right handed but my left arm is now quite crippled (since my fall).  It all makes me want to continue to stay at home, safely on my sofa, with a nice cup of tea. Of course, being me, I am probably more than capable of falling off the sofa, landing face down in my cup of tea and...  oh dear...    So what I really long for is the time when the Kingdom of God is ruling over us and the whole earth is being restored to the paradise it was always meant to be.   Stress and anxiety will be no more, as we head back towards the perfection our first parents tragically lost. Then our real lives on earth will begin.

As it is I have to go out today - Thursday - which is when I am starting this blog.   I have my eye test - overdue, but essential. And I feel I need to get there before everything is locked down again. I am hoping it doesn't rain as Captain Butterfly will be out a'detecting all day, and I can't drive, as they don't want you driving back with your blurry eyes.  So I will have to walk.  It will be interesting to see if I can manage it without an arthritis flare up (its not a long walk).  If so, then maybe I will risk re-starting my daily walk - just a short one, but better than nothing.

The walk, short though it was, nearly finished me off. But the test is done. I await results.  And the Captain found a very interesting buckle, which will appear on his blog in due time.

Yet another year has nearly hurtled by as my 2021 Diary arrived last night.  The doorbell rang while the Captain and I were both in our various Zoom meetings, and it was my Diary announcing itself.  It is the Wildlife Photographer of the Year diary - with some wonderful photos.  This year I am just finishing the RHS diary -wonderful plant illustrations. 

The Captain always finds me an interesting diary and orders it in cyberspace. My hero!

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