Thursday 22 October 2020

My unPart in the Kingdom Ministry School

The Ministry School was on Tuesday night this week, and I had a part as as Householder. But there was a bit of a last minute panic when the lovely young sister whose part it was went off air.  She had some problems with both phone and computer I think, and as her householder I was asked if I could step in. So I rushed through this script.  

Fortunately she got back online with her script and we even had time to practise via phone. A very good thing actually as, in my hurry, I had completely missed the point that this was a return visit, so I had no need for my unlikely setting in a hospital waiting room with my fellow patient improbably reading Richard Dawkins.

That;s a book that could only make a hospital visit even more stressful I would think, as it is seems to be telling us there is no point to any of it,    Given I wrote the script though, I thought I might as well publish it. It is similar to the one we did, except that she put that amazing and wonderful verse from Job, which explains exactly and simply that the earth floats in empty space, near the front of her script, and I put it near the end in mine. And she noted correctly that it was a return visit, which I failed to do.

So - this is The Talk Not Given

Sue:  Excuse my asking but are you waiting for the other Clinic?

Fellow Patient:  Yes.

Sue:   Thanks. That means there is no queue for me either - just the 2 of us here. Hopefully we won't have the usual long wait

FP:  I think you're right.  Though I have bought a book with me anyway.

Sue.  Anything interesting?

FP:  Its hard to understand - Richard Dawkins - and depressing really.  It all seems so pointless somehow if we just evolved and there is no real purpose or meaning to our lives.

Sue.  Oh yes, he is the famous Evolutionist.  But do you know that the Bible says the exact opposite of what Evolutionists are telling us?  It tells us that far from evolving, we were created perfect, and are in a continuing fall from that perfect state. And it assures of a rescue and a restoration, and that we can live forever on this lovely planet.

FP:  Of course i would love to believe that, but the Bible is a very old-fashioned book isn't it? And Richard Dawkins is up to date with current science.

Sue.  Yet please think about this. If the Bible is what it claims to be - a book inspired by our Creator, Jehovah, who is the Source of all wisdom, scientific and otherwise, would its information be out of date, or should it be far ahead of human science?

FP:  IF it is what it claims, it should be ahead.

Sue.  Yes. So may I quickly show you something, just one verse from the Book of Job, which was written 1473 B.C.E - one of the oldest books of the Bible.   It is about the position of earth in space, something that was not understood by Science until Isaac Newton in the 17th Century explained the force of gravity to us. Before that people had all sorts of ideas about the earth - famously that it was flat, and that it was standing on something, one idea apparently was that it was balanced on a giant turtle - though what the turtle was supposed to be standing on I don't know.  But this is what Job tells us, thousands of years ago:  Here at Job 26:7: "He (Jehovah) stretches out the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon nothing".    Suspending or hanging the earth upon nothing.  Isn't that a completely accurate description of the position of the earth in space, and way ahead of the science of its day?

FP:   Yes. It is. I am really surprised by that. You have even given me a glimmer of hope.

Sue:  How lovely.  And I wish I could give you more, but I see the Clinic's nurse is calling me.  Look, could I leave this little contact card on the table here - you can take it if you want or just copy out the website address?  You will find a wealth of information about the Bible and science.

I am not sure on balance that I would have left the card.  I would perhaps just have given her the web address (given the current Covid circumstances).  But as I was mulling it over, I heard from the sister in question and left it there - my cards on the table, is it were.

Captain Treasure Hunter left very early with his sandwiches, metal detector and what have you and is hopefully having a wonderful time out there in the Badlands of Hampshire - designer coffee, we got it, or we did before the Covid crisis.  Oh dear.  I hope he has remembered those sandwiches...

1 comment:

  1. Got your email today and though't I'd read some of your blogs. Dont normally do that kind of thing.Your informal witnessing that was planned was really impressionable Sue. Really good! I will email you tomorrow. Thanks so much for yours.
