Monday 12 October 2020

Gold Diggers

Both of us were Treasure hunting on Sunday;  Col finding a gold sovereign - and me finding something infinitely more precious at the morning meeting.   He rang me - just before the meeting started - to say that, second hole in, he had found this gold coin. He was a very happy bunny.

And it is a lovely find.  Money was worth something back then.

Yet there is treasure even more valuable - the pure gold that is the knowledge of Jehovah, that is "a tree of life".   Gold can give us more comforts in our short lives now, but the knowledge of Jehovah can give us life everlasting - in perfection, in paradise - and more happiness than we can now imagine.

"Happy is the man who finds wisdom and the man who acquires discernment;  to gain it is better than gaining silver, and having it as profit is better than having gold.  It is more precious than corals; nothing you desire can compare to it. Long life is in its right hand; riches and glory are in its left hand.  Its ways are pleasant, and all its paths are peaceful.  It is a tree of life to those who take hold of it, and those who keep firm hold of it will be called happy."    Proverbs 3:13-18

Nothing you desire can compare to it.   And if one day we are looking again at these words from the vantage point of the restored earthly paradise we will see the truth of them even more strongly - and will be so so thankful that we did listen and take in this wisdom.

As Jesus himself said at John 17:3: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ."

And this treasure is there for everyone who will take hold of it.   The knowledge of God is being freely offered - even during this pandemnic.  We do beg you to listen. 

Having said all that I managed to arrive at the meeting half an hour late - a meeting at my own computer, and in my own home!   It wasn't that I slept in or anything - Captain Metal Detector's alarm went at 4,30 so that he could be on the far side of the Moon (or wherever) in time for the opening of the field. It was my computer that slept in. It took me over half an hour - in the end having to close everything down and re-start - before it would let me join my siblings at the meeting.

If Col had been here, he would probably have given it a firm jerk of its leash, said "Heel!" and it would have Zoomed me straight through.   I did at least use the time productively - cleared the airing cupboard for the next lot of clothes and did the ironing.

Apart from that, oh dear, a lot of dozing on the sofa was achieved. Though Captain Butterfly's supper was ready for him when he arrived - very late by the time his spaceship splashed down.  Chill cabinet curry, poppadums and yoghurt... heated up by my own fair hand.

I hope I can achieve a bit more today.  Though half the morning has already gone.  

There are going to be a whole new load of Covid instructions for us on the News tonight. I can no longer keep track as they seem to change all the time - as to be fair so does the situation. I have no wish to criticise the handling of this, as who knows?  Its not something we have faced before.  We intend to go on being very careful, which seems reasonable.  And it is definitely what the Governing Body of The Watchtower Society is advising us, as Jehovah teaches us to have great respect for the precious gift of life.

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