Wednesday 7 October 2020

Spring forward, Fall back

Hopefully a picture of today's sunrise will head this blog, as the Captain was out on the balcony photographing it this morning.  As the Psalmist says:  "The heavens are declaring the glory of God..."  And I hope that the Captain and I have many many sunrises ahead of us...   though not in this system of things. I can feel everything in me wearing out.  The Captain himself, thank God, is doing a lot better. But at our age, who knows?  Not many for sure - our lives are so short now.  I can't tell you how quickly 70 years has gone.  Yet, at the same time, my 1950s childhood seems like the remote past.

I was watching The Great British Sewing Bee, which I love, and one of the young contestants asked the oldest contestant what it was like in the Sixties.   And I thought, yes, that is 60 years ago now - so its as remote from her as 1880 was to me... a strange feeling.  

I spoke to the siblings yesterday morning, and we realised we would have to re-schedule our Zoom chat, as John, on the other side of the world, is about to spring forward (timewise) into Spring, and we are about to fall back into Autumn.   As it is now, while we, his sisters, are sipping our morning coffee, he is in evening mode (though not in evening dress).

And I have re-started some editing work, so must have got a little bit of energy back from somewhere.  I made a veggie/bean chile yesterday to use up the vegs before today's supermarket delivery arrives. And, in theory, I am going to make a large fruitcake today - I have all the stuff on order.   I usually make two this time of year, as I have to make one for the AGM of Butterfly Conservation - we sell tea and cakes in the interval to raise funds - and make another one at the same time to re-stock the freezer.

But, no AGM this year.  And now I have got my important baking news out of the way, I will note that apparently Covid is raging in the North, possibly connected to the new student year starting.

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