Monday 19 October 2020

A Failed Haiku

Yesterday I made myself do a final read through of the book that will not be called A Present from Betelgeuse - and I wanted to re-write the whole thing from beginning to end - or maybe to cut it down until it becomes a short story.  The short story form is the one I seem to be most happy with and if I do have the privilege of being published after Betelgeuse, it will be a collection of short stories.

This morning I was out on the balcony doing my studying and getting a measure of October sunlight, when I saw the material for a Haiku forming on the Green below.  Two chaps were out to fly kites, but were having problems getting them off the ground - even though its a windy day. As I was watching the birds soaring effortlessly over the struggling groundbound kites, I thought there is a Japanese poem in there somewhere if only I could write it.

It would be on these lines (and please bear in mind this is a failed Haiku):

Kites, manmade,
flap, groundbound
Kites, God created,
soar aloft.

Not that there were any Kites of that kind soaring over our Green - just seagulls and our little starling murmuration - they are Kites for poetic purposes.

Sunday morning we had such a wonderful meeting that I want to start the Watchtower study article in the blog.  It is about the Resurrection.  I wish everyone in the world would read it and think about it. The world's religions have taught, and do still teach, some terrible and wrong things about death and the condition of the dead.

The title of the Watchtower article we studied on Sunday is:  The Resurrection Reveals God's Love, Wisdom and Patience.  And it begins with the simple question, Why did Jehovah create life?  I hope to continue with this in my blog, but I have linked it in case you would like to know more right now.  It is vital to look up all the Scriptures, as the important thing is what they are telling us. They are Jehovah's message to us, to each one of us, personally.   You can click on the links to the verses on site - don't know if that will work blogwise, or not.

I hope you will see that Jehovah created us out of love, and that he made us to live forever on this lovely planet that floats like a blue and white jewel in a splendid universe.  Therefore where will he resurrect the dead?  And when?   As the article continues, we will see how the Inspired Scriptures answer those questions.

1. Why did Jehovah create life?

THERE was a time when Jehovah was alone. But he was not lonely. He was complete in every way. Nevertheless, God wanted others to enjoy life. Motivated by love, Jehovah began creating.​—Ps. 36:9; 1 John 4:19.

2. How did Jesus and the angels feel about Jehovah’s creative works?

First, Jehovah created a fellow worker. Then, by means of this first Son, “all other things were created,” including millions of intelligent spirit creatures. (Col. 1:16) Jesus rejoiced at the opportunity to work with his Father. (Prov. 8:30) And the angelic sons of God also had reason to rejoice. They had front-row seats, as it were, when Jehovah and his Master Worker, Jesus, made the heavens and the earth. How did the angels respond? They “began shouting in applause” when the earth was formed, and they no doubt continued to applaud each of Jehovah’s creative works, including his final masterpiece, humans. (Job 38:7; Prov. 8:31, ftn.) Each of these creations revealed Jehovah’s love and wisdom.​—Ps. 104:24; Rom. 1:20.

3. As indicated at 1 Corinthians 15:21, 22, what does Jesus’ ransom sacrifice make possible?

Jehovah intended for the human family to enjoy everlasting life on the beautiful planet that he had created. But when Adam and Eve rebelled against their loving Father, sin and death cast a shadow over the earth. (Rom. 5:12) How did Jehovah respond? Immediately, he stated how he would rescue mankind. (Gen. 3:15) Jehovah purposed to provide a ransom that would make it possible for Adam and Eve’s children to be freed from sin and death. He could then allow each person to choose to serve Him and to receive everlasting life.​—John 3:16; Rom. 6:23read 1 Corinthians 15:21, 22.

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