Sunday 25 October 2020

Seeking for Gold

There was a rainbow arching over the treasure hunters on Thursday, and Col brought back a lovely photo of it - a rainbow, a few detectorists in a vast field (presumably searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow), and a lovely Autumn sky.  I hope to put the photo on my next blog.  And the Captain did find a rather lovely and very old silver coin that will appear on his blog in due course.

So I have to mention the treasure in God's word again, as it is there for every one of us. And it can be found, if we seek for it.   It can give us back the life and perfection that our first parents so tragically threw away.

“Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you," - Matthew 7:7

Which is why I want to blog the next section of our Watchtower study article about the resurrection.

This is a continuation of study article 33:  The Resurrection Reveals God's Love, Wisdom and Patience. It can be found here:

And it continues:

4. What questions will we consider in this article?

God’s promise to resurrect the dead raises a number of questions. For example, how will the resurrection likely take place? Will we be able to recognize our loved ones when they are brought back to life? In what ways will the resurrection bring us joy? And how can meditating on the resurrection build our appreciation for Jehovah’s love, wisdom, and patience? Let us consider each of those questions.

Why are these questions, and the Bible's answers to them so important?   Well, for one thing, what a comfort they can be in the face of the loss of those we love in death.  But knowing exactly what the Bible says is vital - which is why we are trying to tell people.  I noted this from Janet Frame's wonderful 3 part autobiography.  In  "To The Is-Land" , which deals with her childhood, she writes of the sudden death of her sister Myrtle  Her mother belonged to a religious sect that did believe that the dead would be resurrected here on earth - but...

When Janet Frame's older sister suddenly died, in her teens  - a heart attack while swimming - Janet writes movingly about her death and how it devastates her family. Then she says:

"After the inquest, when they brought her home in her coffin into the Sturmer-smelling front room and Mum asked, "Do you want to see Myrtle?" I said no. "We'll see her on Resurrection Day," Mum said, conjuring once again in my mind the turmoil of Resurrection Day, the crowds, the wild scanning of faces, the panic as centuries of people confront each other and only a miracle provides room for all."

That is not a comforting picture!  It is a frightening vision of chaos and confusion.  Yet the Bible assures us The Day of Judgment will last for a thousand years.  It will be such a joyful time.  The resurrection will proceed in an orderly fashion, with everyone being taught and cared for as they are woken from the dreamless sleep of death.

The Inspired Scriptures assure us that Jehovah is a God of order, not of disorder.

The Day of Judgement is something to be longed for, not something to be feared.  It will be a fresh start for all those who are resurrected.  And this Watchower article will help to explain why we can be sure of that.

Had a long talk with Bea of the North yesterday - and Jacks' operation has been a success, but we can't talk to her for day or two.  And Captain B has just returned from his voyage hungry so I must go and get him his tea.

Today was the last day of the C.O. visit - and we had two really encouraging talks from him this morning.

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