Saturday 31 October 2020

The Accidental Pepper

We have accidentally grown a pepper on our table in the window. It sprang out of nowhere - and Col has now bought four more pepper plans to keep it company - so what was our orchid table is now our kitchen garden.   More miracles in plain sight.

And our soup machine has collapsed and died. Poor thing. I hope I didn't overwork it.  We have another one ordered and hopefully it will be here with us next week. I can't imagine how I would cope without it these days - such an easy and pleasant way of getting our veggie quota.

It seems that Christmas may be cancelled this year - I think it all depends on whether the upcoming Lockdown works as planned.  But it suits me fine as I do not celebrate it - it is essentially a sungod festival, originating in the worship of the creation not the Creator. And marvelous though the sun is, it did not make itself, any more than I made myself. And for all its power, which is beyond my comprehension (I was never good at maths and physics anyway - I still feel guilty abour poor Mr.Capps who had to try to teach me maths), it is still a tiny detail in the immensity of Jehovah's creation.

Isaiah tells us that the universe came into being through the abundance of Jehovah's dynamic energy.  And I am grateful  for whatever boosts of energy He will give me now, as old age is like running on empty.  I was trying to get back to a little gentle exercise every day, and am now paying for it. I have had to take a full dose of painkillers and anti-inflammatories this morning (Thursday) and am hoping they kick in.  

But if Christmas is cancelled, who can calculate the effect on the economy?  Don't so many enterprises rely on the massive spending splurge that is Christmas?  Our local pub, an excellent one, is usually fully booked for Christmas lunch and dinners during December. And apparently the Christmas Panto keeps provincial theatres going.  And that is just the beginning... times they really are a'changing.

And if all this means that the Kingdom of God is imminent, then they are going to change wonderfully for the better. We need to keep firm hold of that thought, as we have some difficulties to get through yet.  And we are trying to give everyone in our territory that hope by letter witnessing. And I must do some more letters today.

We also have some stamps coming to us in the post - an emergency supply!

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