Friday 9 August 2024

The Oak Eggar


"There is an exquisite creature on our balcony!"

"I know", I said with a modest smile, "I like to sit out here and do my studying."

"Not YOU. THIS lovely creature."  (See photo above of the Oak Eggar moth that graced our balcony for a while.)

How perfect Jehovah's creation is.  And I hope that, one day, I will be just as exquisite. 

We are still having a lot of sunshine, but the other day it actually rained for a bit - a light rain, but much needed. As our balcony is a sheltered one, I was sitting out in it, studying, watching the rain, and enjoying the calm beauty.  The moody cloudy sky and grey sea seemed to make the Green ever greener in contrast, and the balcony geraniums even brighter.

It was wonderful to sit there with the beauty all around me.  It made me so happy in the midst of all my medical troubles.  And it made it very easy to thank Jehovah for the precious gift of life.

We got out early on Thursday and did our fruit and veg shopping. Weather nice, sunny, with a light breeze, and not humid. The windsurfers were out on a calm Channel. Col did not go metal detecting on Thursday.  That should be a HOLD THE PRESSES moment of course - but it is actually something of a sad one in that even Captain B is having to pace himself these days.

The two caravans - travellers - that re-appeared outside our window a couple of days ago had gone by this morning.  I did see a Police car turn up there yesterday.  Once again I noticed what quiet neighbours they are, evening and night wise.

And I got back to the Hall for the Thursday night meeting. The congregations worldwide are studying the Book of Acts at the moment.

This morning I zoomed with a friend and made some veggie soup - and we watched the Olympics.  It was bouldering today, won by a young lad from Northern Ireland.  Amazing to watch.

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