Friday 30 August 2024

Do You Have a Minute?

I had the one minute part in the School on Thursday night, with the following brief: to adapt to what is on the person's mind and to offer the free home Bible study. So I found it an interesting challenge to fit that into 60 seconds.

6. Starting a Conversation

(1 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. The person asks you to be brief. Offer a Bible study. (lmd lesson 2 point 5)

5. Be adaptable. A conversation may go in an unexpected direction. So be willing to share something that is relevant to the person, even if that means discussing a different Bible truth than the one you had in mind.

Sue:  Good morning. I am Sue, one of Jehovah's Witnesses...

HH:  (interrupts).  I’m sorry, I have no time this morning, I am right in the middle of cooking lunch for the kids.

Sue:  Of course, its half-term. I won’t keep you. But may I just offer you this magazine to read when you do have a moment to sit down. It is full of loving and practical advice from the Creator of the family arrangement.

(The magazine I offered was an Awake! "12 Secrets of Successful Families". You can read it here:

HH: Look I admire your faith, but I do not share it, because if there is a God he would be doing something about all the awful things that are happening. Do you now watch the News?!

Sue:  That is an excellent point. Why, if there is a Creator who is all-powerful and all-loving are these terrible things happening. So may I offer you something else - a free home Bible study, for an hour a week, or even 15 minutes, at a time convenient to you, as I would love you to know what our Creator Jehovah has done about this, what he is doing now and the wonderful things he will do in the near future.

One minute. Blink, and you would have missed it.

Wednesday evening on the balcony was spent under a watercolour sunset watching a yacht race on the Channel - a lovely quiet sort of race - and a small rainbow briefly appeared among the clouds. So it must have been raining out at sea.

Col has had a lot of early starts recently, and I am not sleeping well - being in what hospitals call "discomfort" (as in The Gestapo caused "discomfort" to those they were interrogating). At least I haven't had any more stress dreams. But I guess this is all part of old age.

And, once again, I must remind myself that every day is a bonus now, and that the hope of living forever in the restored earthly paradise is a "pearl beyond price" - even if I have to get there the long way round, via the resurrection.

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