Wednesday 21 August 2024

Mrs Ravoon (and a flare-up, left foot)



The ship has returned 

From the alien star

Captain and crew

Who knows where they are?

Nothing inside 

But a large silk cocoon

In which form the features of


Sue Knight

This website explains who Mrs. Ravoon is, as she is not my creation:

The poem above was inspired by a competition, many years ago, I think in The Oldie (not sure, was a long time ago).  We were required to write about a poem about Mrs. R, and it inspired me to think about the origins of the fearsome lady.

I didn't win. Nor was my poem printed. But here it is, now.

I have since wondered if the receptionist, Mrs.Raven, in the comedy "My Hero" was in any way inspired by Mrs. Ravoon. She was a great character anyway.

The above photo is the only one of a raven I could find in Captain Butterfly's gallery. It is doing acrobatics, which does give me a chance to speak about how wonderful Jehovah's creation is.  We know what goes into making a plane, let alone one that does acrobatics mid-air - well scientists and engineers do.  Had it been left up to me, I fear we would still be using Shanks Pony, and only Shanks Pony.

So please think of the miracles of creation, all around us, telling us of their Grand Creator, as clearly as if they spoke. If we follow that thought and search for Him, he will let us find him, and we will also find the way to enjoy life forever on this beautiful planet.

A friend called in with Victoria plums from her garden yesterday, and she took a mango from the box Col bought. They are beginning to ripen now. And both the Captain and I had our usual Monday Zoom sessions with the family - from Oz, to Bavaria, to York, to a rambling old farmhouse in Sheffield, and my parents retirement bungalow in our Nothern hometown.

All seems well.  For which I thank God.

And I must also thank Him very much for the promise that, under the loving rule of the Kingdom of God, no-one on earth will say "I am sick".  I am in the middle of a very painful flare up - left foot - and am reduced to hobbling slowly and painfully round the flat on my Zimmer. And even Captain B is feeling his age.  It is frightening and depressing.  How do people cope without hope?

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