Tuesday 6 August 2024

From The Field

Captain B phoned me from The Field on Saturday morning, to tell me it was freshly ploughed, which is excellent for detecting, and he sent me this photo.

I was thinking how hard farmers work. The fields change all the time. I managed to do a bit of work myself, changed the bed, got sheets, duvet cover etc washed - its great drying weather at the moment, being so hot and sunny. And I made an apple crumble for himself. I also caught up with my studying and did some witnessing letters. Though I did not get to the Hall in person on Sunday, but attended in pixel form. Not too well, adjusting to the new medicine.

We had our usual Monday Zoom sessions - all seem OK, though one of my siblings is facing an operation. We are all getting so old - well not so much our bro who is the youngest... 

If we had ever taken our series Wuthering Frights to its intended conclusion, our bro, who features as Branston, would have emerged as the best selling author, completely surpassing his feckless sisters, who continually failed to write their best seller. But we only got a few episodes written. And it was a long time ago - when we all lived in the same Northern town.

The caravans, or two of them, returned to the Green this afternoon.  As before, they are beside the playground.  Each caravan seems to hold a lot of small children, so I understand why they want to be near the playground.

There are riots in the UK at the moment. People are getting more and more angry and frightened. These rioters will be clamped down on very hard and many will end up in our horrendous prison system, which is already so overcrowded it is bursting at the seams. So I suspect it will lead to more anger, more bitterness, and more violence on our streets.

Psalm 37 provides the perfect antidote. It shows us that our Creator, Jehovah, knows how the cruelties and injustices of the current system of things on the earth are going to make us feel; it teaches us how to deal with them without being shaped by them. And it assures us our Creator has not abandoned us to this.

Let go of anger and abandon rage;
Do not become upset and turn to doing evil.
For evil men will be done away with,
But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth.
Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more;
You will look at where they were,
And they will not be there.
But the meek will possess the earth,
And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

- Psalm 37:8-11

So how important is the field service, the Kingdom preaching work?  Everyone needs to know this, urgently. We all need to know about the Kingdom of God and need to start learning to live by its kind and perfect standards. Those standards protect us from letting "the world" shape us in its violent image.

And there will be exquisite delight in the abundance of peace for all who will do so.

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