Thursday 15 August 2024


This is a heads-up for the Ultrasound staff at Southlands on Monday. I had an unpleasant and intrusive procedure but it was done with sensitivity and made as painless as it could possibly be.   I am very grateful to them.

Only two problems:

Firstly, it showed I do have another problem.  I hope hope hope this will not mean any more operations and will not mean that I have to return to the horror of the wards.

But I won't find out for about 3 weeks which is when I am scheduled to see the doctor.  I guess he needs to be sure he has the results of both scans in - and time to scan them himself - before he talks to me.  And hopefully talks to me, not "breaks it" to me.

It is all putting me in mind of that brilliant comic line by Victoria Wood "As the doctor said to me when I had my tubes tilted..." so I will leave it there.  

Tuesday started off very hot here on the South Coast - and apparently there were heavy thunderstorms in the North - or was that Monday?  I felt a bit washed out and am still in some pain from the procedure, but I managed to catch up with my studying, re-fill the freezer with cake for Col's packed lunches, and make a veggie chile using up the cauliflower.

Wednesday was my afternoon double Zoom session with a friend, and continuing my studies for the week, plus some witnessing letters.  The congregations are in the middle of a study of the Book of Acts at the moment, plus the Psalms.  Hence the photo - Palm trees (not Psalm trees though) from a visit to NZ, in our expat years.

We were out on the balcony last night - with a cloud-barred half moon peeping out from a slot in the sky - and were reminiscing about our travelling days.  When we were young students could we have imagined ourselves, well into our seventies, in a balcony on a sleepy little town on the South Coast loving being retired?

The answer clearly is No, we could not have.  But would I have been so happy if I had not talked to those two Jehovah's Witnesses who called at my door all those years ago - and listened to them?  No. No way.  Which is something I hope never to forget.

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