Sunday 30 June 2024

Another Country

This is a blue-bordered carpet moth - one of the Captain's latest photos.  Its not, as I understand it, the sort that will eat your carpet - even if you have one with a blue-border. Its just what it's called.  Not sure why.

Apparently Facebook cares about me, and to prove it often shares my old Ordle (Wordle/Quotdle/Octordle) scores.   

I did feel very cared for at the meeting on Thursday night, which reminded us of how David continued to trust in Jehovah, through his many trials and tribulations, and his sorrow at his own faults and failings.

And that is something that can be so painful. Here we are, in the congregations, trying to teach everyone about the Kingdom of God, and its perfect laws and standards, while continually failing to live up to them ourselves, as we are all damaged and imperfect. Which is why we all need the undeserved kindness of the ransom sacrifice.

We need to remember that Jehovah is on our side, he wants us in the restored earthly paradise. He does not want to lose even one of us. But, at the same time, he completely respects the free will he gave us, and will never force anyone to come to Him.

We come out of love, and we stay out of love.

There were some particularly good demonstrations too - or "little plays" as my sister calls them, when she drops in via Zoom.  It reminds me that I have a part of my own in two weeks and must start thinking about how to do it.

It seems to involve  me - ME - doing this: "Tell the person about the JW Library app, and show him how to install it."

My partner is actually a sister and much younger than me, so maybe I will have to write it so that she tells me how to install it...?  Or perhaps I will consult my in-house Tech Expert, Captain Butterfly.

These new Smartphones still terrify me - though I do have one.  I knew where I was with the old horse-drawn version.  And I still remember my grandmother's phone number Tottington 2.   She was the second person on the Tottington Exchange. You picked up a big black phone, asked the operator for Tottington 2 and got through to your granny. Nothing needed to be installed, and no-one had as yet discovered the app.  As someone once said: "The past is another country. They do things differently there."

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