Thursday 27 June 2024

The False Firefly Beetle


This False Firefly Beetle was taken by Captain Butterfly (of course) on one of his detecting outings. I know next to nothing about it, but given its name, I feel that if it turns up on my facebook page telling me it needs my financial help as it is stranded abroad and unable to access a million dollars it has in a bank in TaxHavania, I would probably not believe it.

He is a handsome chap though.  As (of course) is Captain Butterfly.

This is proving to be a very hot week. Too hot for me.  Thirty minutes on our South facing balcony is about all I can take.  And the air has been so still. On Tuesday the sea did not even seem to move. It was cooler last night though, with a slight breeze. The Captain and I sat out on the balcony, with a glass of red wine apiece, until it was almost dark.

I spent Wednesday morning at the doctors - same old problem - saw a nice doc, but inconclusive - another med prescribed, another blood test to do, and I am on the lists for a scan.  Something interesting came out of this GP appointment - which they gave me without my asking and for which I am very grateful. She mentioned my anti-histamine, and I said that, no, I wasn't taking it as, for some reason, it seems to turn the sleep button in my head to "off". "No problem" she said. "I will give you a different one. It's one we prescribe for pilots."

For sure, you do not want them falling asleep at the wheel through lack of sleep! So I took one last night and it seemed OK.  It may not help with my current problem, but it may help with my ongoing skin problem, which is why I was prescribed nti-histamines in the first place.

The next time they ask me what medicines I am on, I guess I will have to say "It might be quicker to tell you what medicines I am not on".

But maybe this is what being as old as I am now is like, damaged child of Adam that I am.  All I can hope is that it will give me so much extra appreciation when and if, through undeserved kindness, I find myself in the paradise earth - alive, no longer dying, and in perfect health.

Our Creator, Jehovah, has promised that under the loving reign of the heavenly government, the Kingdom of God, no resident of the earth will say "I am sick".

I hope we are all there to experience just how wonderful that is going to be.

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