Tuesday 18 June 2024

Dine and Dash


I am still in the throes of my mysterious ailment, still hoping the antibiotics will kick in, but relying on a full daily dose of paracetamol to cope with the "discomfort". And on a slightly more positive note, I have been reducing the dose of painkillers and the antibiotics seem to be holding - so far.

There is a new crime being talked about in our lawless streets, which at least does not involve violence.  It is the "Dine and Dash" - order a lavish meal in a restaurant, eat it, and run without paying, i.e. stealing.  The competition in my current Spectator uses this as a theme for a poem - with some brilliant results.

As I am a longtime Spectator subscriber and as my blog is not monetised, I hope it won't be a problem if I put one of the winners in here.

In days when Vikings plagued our shores
With longship, fire and sword,
They'd celebrate their victories
And feast as their reward.
They'd dine for free on choicest meat,
And have their fill of ale,
Then satisfied with spoils and food
They'd leave, and northward sail.
In imitation of such deeds
Some folk go out to dine
And they select the dearest food
And drink the finest wine;
Like hordes of Vikings they are pleased
To eat, then dash away,
For like the raiders of the past
They see no need to pay.
Frank McDonald

Brilliant, Frank - wish I had written it.

Having said it's a new crime, it is sadly probably not so new.  I remember many years ago - before I was married, so we are pretty much talking pre-history here - being told of an experience my boss had in a Chinese restaurant in London.  There was a party of lads at the next table who had ordered a table load of dishes and as soon as they had eaten them, they got up, as one, and dashed to the exit.  However, the last one of them tripped over the mat, fell flat on his face, and looked up to see two cooks from the kitchen standing over him with very large knives in their hands.

He got up, and paid up. Hurray for the kitchen staff!  But they were so promptly on the scene that I would be surprised if this was the first time they had experienced a Dine and Dash.

A difference now is that the Diners and Dashers are often caught on video and so can be identified.

The picture above is a photo of the sky from our balcony.  It was the beauty of an Autumn sky in Sheffield many years ago that told me, as clearly as if it had spoken, that it was created by Someone who loved us, and who had made it so lovely just for us.   And now that I have learnt who the Creator is, and the wonderful future he has in store for all who will listen to him and obey him, I hope for the day when I will be able to thank Him for all this from a perfect heart.  

And if and when that days comes, I will have a perfectly healthy body too - no more worries about aches and pains. No more aches and pains!

This week - well, at the end of last week actually - we start to distribute  the invitations to the 2024 Convention: DECLARE THE GOOD NEWS!  It is being held worldwide, and millions will hear the good news about the Kingdom of God, and of the time, here on the earth, when "No resident will say 'I am sick'".

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