Sunday 9 June 2024

A Common Tubic (and too much information)

Col's detectoring day out on Thursday resulted in the treasure above - a photo of this exquisite micro-moth - the Common Tubic.  It is so tiny we can only see how wonderfully its made via the photo.  

It would not do for Richard Bucket's blog though. Hyacinth would NEVER allow a Common Tubic into the Bouquet world.  A Royal Doulton Hand Painted Periwinkle Tubic, yes, of course. That would do nicely.

On a sunny Thursday I was feeling very down and full of a cold. My UTI had returned and I trekked to the surgery with a sample. And now I find myself wanting to provide far too much information about this...  but had better not.  It is an unusual form of the infection that gives none of the normal symptoms, just a painful and constant feeling of a very full bladder.

I picked it up after my first knee operation. The ward toilets were so dirty - I have to say they were in every ward I have been in.  And every so often it returns to haunt me.

From what I can see it is only recently that it has been recognised and researched.   What usually seems to happen is they say there is no infection but when I manage to persuade them to send it to the hospital lab to be tested they find there is.  And then I have to go back again to get my prescription, which so far has always been sent to the remote pharmacy instead of awaiting me at the counter.

The remote pharmacy then sends me panicky emails asking what is this doing with them when clearly I need it asap.  To add to the level of difficulty there is now a further trek to find a local pharmacy, as the Clinic Pharmacy is still AWOL after a patient drove their car through its wall. Don't ask.

Why do I keep getting these things now?  Never used to. Is it just old age - which is a frightening and painful business, so I need to keep a firm hold on the hope of perfect health in the restored earthly paradise. 

How does anyone cope without that hope?  And in harmony with that thought, I am about to join the meeting at the Kingdom Hall in Zoom. I had hoped to be there in person, but I have woken up with such a sore and painful left foot that I can't drive - or even safely have a shower.

As I seem to have said already, old age can be such a painful business. But I also know that I am very grateful still to be here on this lovely earth, still able to try to serve my Creator, even in a limited way. Every day is a bonus now.

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