Wednesday 3 July 2024

Who ate who?


This is a Poplar Hawk Moth that appeared on our balcony last week.  It is a fearsome giant, so I wasn't too worried about the magpie eating it, more worried that it might have eaten the magpie.

I got myself into a spiral of worry as I am back on the work, in that a couple of friends kindly took me on three return visits. So all I had to do was to drive myself to the Hall. Or so I thought. It was all complicated by its being Armed Services Day on the Green, and barricades going up on the roads, cutting our flat and its parking off.  

However, we managed to work that out, and had three interesting visits - at least two of which we can call in at again.

This is the week of our Convention at the AMEX Centre in Brighton.   I will only be attending in Zoom, but I am really looking forward to it.  I plan to watch it on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, days when Captain B should be out a'detectoring.

Do I wish he would attend it with me?  Of course I do.  But, God bless him, he drove me round to a sister who has just had a knee operation on Monday afternoon to deliver a little care package - including a present for her cat.  I know how painful knee operations can be!

I had hoped to be out on the seafront on Tuesday morning handing out some of the remaining invitations to the Convention at the weekend, but had to cancel as - well, too much information really. I will just say that I could not risk being too far from the loo.

So I decided to work on my part in the Ministry School for Thursday week so that it would not be on mind during the Convention. Col has showed me how to "install an app" on my Smartphone, so I am feeling rather techy and geeky at the moment.  But it means I will have to juggle Smartphone, and script on the platform - Ms. Bean Rides Again...

And writing that has made me realise that I will not add the brochure: Enjoy Life Forever to the mix. That would be mayhem. But the point I am working on is arranging to call again, so maybe what I can do is offer to bring the brochure round and make a firm date and time.

I woke up this morning feeling as if I am getting a cold. My throat is sore and I feel shivery... I wonder if that is the reason my system was so upset yesterday.

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