Thursday 27 October 2022


This is the treasure that Captain Moth-Butterfly found on a recent Detectorist expedition (along with a silver sixpence and a gilded button, oh and also a bit from a rather fancy horse's harness - from a carriage driven by one of the gentry I should think).  It's a Death's Head Hawkmoth!  A handsome creature.  I hope it is having a wonderful mothy life out there now that its photographic session has been done.  The Moth Hotel is up and running, though not too many guests this time of year.

The bonfire on The Green has suddenly appeared - as large as ever, all ready for the 5th of November.  At least those heartless "guys" we used to put on bonfires no longer make an appearance.

Rishi Sunak has emerged as our new leader, after a lot of frantic political stuff. Hopefully he and King Charles will get along.  They are both very rich which may help - but I am not sure how the new PM is on Green issues, something which concern the new King very much.

It is odd that it is through the Conservative Party, rather than through Labour, that those from immigrant groups have come to power. Rhetoric would make you think it would have been the other way round. However, think Benjamin Disraeli, a Tory (Conservative) MP from a minority group - the British Jews.  

And that was a long time ago.  But it does give me an opportunity to mention my thriller "Disraeli Hall", in which he features, though it is not a historical novel.  It is set at the turn of the last century - which may be history to some, but its only yesterday to me.

Please buy a copy.  I am told it is a good read.

However, having said all that, do not think I am taking sides. Neither party, no human government, can solve the problems we have.  It is an impossible task, as we were not made to rule ourselves or each other. And our lives are so short now that isn't it always children ruling children anyway?

By the time you have grasped where you are, got a little experience and a vague idea about things, you are on your way out.  Take it from someone who knows.

It is only the Kingdom of God, the heavenly government, that can and will, ensure that God's will is done on the earth.  Our Creator, Jehovah, is love, and he wants nothing but life, joy and happiness for us, for all his creation.

He is offering it to all of us, right now.  Why not accept the offer?


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