Friday 21 October 2022

Cough Drops

I am coughing so much at the moment that I have not been out on the door to door work all week - and I Zoomed to the Thursday night meeting instead of going to the Kingdom Hall.  It's not Covid (as far as I know, they are talking about new varieties that may of course require different tests), I am not getting a cold or flu or anything.

My eyes are dry and sore too - so it seems more like a sort of Autumn hayfever, if there is such a thing, or quite probably another manifestation of the arthritis as my immune system continues to batter me.

If only I could loan it out to the world to fight against Covid! 

Anyway, I have my 6 monthly date with Rheumatology coming up in a couple of weeks so I can ask them.  In the meantime, I am a bit stuck as I can't really turn up on peoples' doorsteps and cough all over them, 

I am wondering about going to the Saturday morning group, wearing a mask, and if anyone needs a partner I can offer to go with them, and just let them do all the talking... but i don't know.

So - terrible pun alert - the cough is causing me to DROP the door to door preaching work for the moment.  I hope to continue trying to tell people about the Kingdom of God though., by other means.  It is knowledge that, once you have it, you cannot keep to yourself.

And how obvious our need for good government is at the moment. We, here in the UK, have just had a PM come and go in double quick time, her reign over in days it seems. Its chaotic.  We are a rudderless ship.

And there are two horrendous articles online today, one in The Guardian, one in the Daily Mail, about the prevalence of child abuse. What they both make clear is that it is part of the very fabric of "the world", the current system of things on the earth. Which is why every vestige of it has to go, and will go, at Armageddon.

And it helps us to understand why we must stand clear - be "no part of the world" - cling to Jehovah's moral standards, and warn others.

The seas are stormy, both literally and metaphorically, at the moment. But the seas outside the window are beautiful, which is why I selected a Captain Moth-Butterfly pic of a stormy sea to head this blog.

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