Monday 10 August 2020

The Saturday Afternoon Session of the "Always Rejoice!" Convention

Sunday morning we had a shortened Watchtower study -  30 minutes, on Zoom - then we all zoomed off on our various devices to attend the Saturday afternoon session of the Convention.

Wonderful teaching, starting with videos from the worldwide brotherhood on all the continents.  A standout experience was one from Nigeria. We saw two of our brothers - Gabriel and Joseph - out on the ministry - these experiences were from the 2019 service year, before the Lockdown.  One of those brothers is blind, the other is lame. So one can't see, and one can't walk. But between them they get around and do the preaching work that Jesus gave his followers to do - one wheeling and one steering.  A wonderful pair, and an inspiration.

The Symposium was: Help your Bible Students to...

 * Feed themselves spiritually (Matthew 5:3, John 13:17)

* Attend meetings (Psalm 65:4)

* Avoid bad associations (Proverbs 13:20)

* Overcome unclean habits (Ephesians 4:22-24)

* Develop a personal relationship with Jehovah (1 John 4:8.19)

The drama, first half, was about Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.  We will see the second half three sundays from now.  And the final talk was "Making Disciples Now Prepares Us For New World Disciple-making".

During the thousand years, during which time the Kingdom of God will be ruling over the earth, restoring it to the paradise it was always meant to be, and restoring obedient humankind to the life and perfection our first parents threw away, there will be a vast teaching work to be done.  All the resurrected dead will need to be taught.  Those who died as faithful servants of Jehovah will need to be updated on all that happened since they died; but as Acts 24:15 assures us that there is going to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous,  many who are resurrected will need to learn who the true God is, and all about the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

  "And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous". (Acts 24:15)

Here is the link to the Convention:

I have a confusion of appointments - not helped by my being so deaf - so when they ring up with new instructions I never know if I have it right.  What I did on Thursday, Friday and Saturday escapes me, but I think not much as I put myself on a 3 day detox, which always makes me feel awful - pounding headache etc - so that apart from keeping up with my studies and getting Captain B his meals - non-detox - I don't think I did anything. Watched a lot of telly - and moaned and groaned.

It was so hot yesterday that Captain B returned early from his treasure hunting. He left BEFORE THEY CLOSED THE FIELD.  Unprecedented. He did make it nearly to the end, and was in the last three, but...

It really was that hot.   Like being back in Saudi Arabia, but without the air conditioning.

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