Friday 7 February 2020


Just as my right knee was coming back on line and I could move without my zimmer frame, my left foot went - swollen up, SO painful, I could hardly bear to touch it to the ground.   Col was out all day yesterday so left me in bed with a mug of water within reach, along with - and this may come under the heading of Too Much Information - a bed pan and a bucket (to empty said bed pan into).  And of course the zimmer frame.

I could just, agonisingly pull myself up on the frame to do the bedpan thing and then fall back gratefully into bed. I was longing to sleep, but couldn't because of the pain. 

He also left me breakfast and lunch ready in the kitchen, but I couldn't even take one step away from the bed to get it.  Not that it mattered as the last thing I felt like doing was eating.

It was lovely when Col got back. He brought me some supper through but I couldn't eat anything. I gave the poor guy another rather sleepless night, but I do feel so much better this morning.  I can get slowly about on my frame and take myself to the loo.

It feels like liberation!

By the way, the Captain did, very nobly offer to give up his day's Detecting and stay with me, but much as i wanted to say, yes, please do, I thought if he doesn't go, this will be the day they find THE HOARD (and then how will I ever forgive myself). And, as it turns out, there was nothing he could have done for me had he stayed, beyond what he had already done.

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