Monday 15 April 2019

The Apostrophiser - Grammar Vigilante!

I was up in the small hours, unable to get to sleep and found myself watching a bit of Gogglebox - which  I haven't seen before, and came across a Superhero for our day:

Can he do anything about the way TV chefs keep telling us they are going to "reduce the sauce down" (as opposed to reducing it UP!!!)?

It was the Special Talk at the Kingdom Hall yesterday - and many people came. It was packed.  None of those Jean and me had invited came sadly - but maybe they will come to the Memorial on Friday.

Jackie came round for supper on Saturday - a light supper of diabetes-friendly veggie soup, and berries (blue, straw and rasp) with an ice cream/yoghurt option. And there were crisps and garlic bread for those who are not on such a strict regime.

Today is another medical day - Dentist in the morning, Doctor in the afternoon - and I hope to get out and distribute some Memorial invites. Hopefully all the rest of them.  And start the Memorial Bible readings.   Plus some housework...

Chatted with Nute and Pen today - in virtual space - trying to arrange a time for our next Writers retreat.  Many years ago, when we were all young marrieds, living in the same Northern town, they used to be every Thursday night - over a carafe of wine.  El Vintage Cheapo.

We got a lot of writing done, plus a lot of giggling, plus a lot of reminiscing about our convent schooldays - which seemed funnier and funnier by the year, in a grim sort of way.

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