Saturday 1 December 2018

The Bright Morning Star

When I drew back the curtains on Friday morning I was greeted by the bright morning star - shining like a jewel in the early morning darkness.  Its easy to see the holiness of the world in the very early morning.    And when the Captain drove us back from Waitrose, the light on the Channel was wonderful - everything sparkled and shone to a rather ominious sky in the background. There was a giant anvil-shaped cloud over the sea.

It made me think of these lovely words at Revelation 22:16: “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star.’”

And while the lovely earth is telling us and telling of its Grand Creator, Jehovah, "the world" the current wicked system of things on the earth does all it can to stop us seeing the truth.

I found this lucid video on Youtube pointing out the relentless propaganda the world is saturated with:

She nails it very well.   And how much damage does this constant stream of poison do?   And what do the Inspired Scriptures warn us?  That "the whole world", all its institutions, lie in the power of the one who is called "the father of the lie" - Satan the devil. 

As she says, once you are aware, you start to see it everywhere.    For example, Bargain Hunt, which Col and I enjoy watching when we are home together for lunch. A fun antiques competition?  Yes. But it is made by the BBC, and it relentlessly pushes the world's propaganda.   Please notice, if you watch it, every time a married couple comes on it has to be established - jokily of course - that she is the bosa and the husband does what he is told. Which neatly turns the Biblical marriage arrangement on its head.

And that I guess is the point. 

Had a complex, interesting and troubling morning on the doors on Thursday.  How much people need the truth.  And Friday was a shopping and cooking day.  I made a fish pie for today, and a veggie dish and some soup.  It will be a rather dreary potato-free soup for me, and the usual cheese sandwich and cake lunch for the Captain, off in the rainy wilderness of Hampshire, treasure hunting.  Will he find his way through the trackless unmapped wastelands of  designer villages, detached houses, and coffee bars?

Jean and I were not able to go on the work as it was pelting down. But I phoned Lilian, ex Planet-expat, and we had a long chat, about old times, and things.   Now the heating seems to have packed up!   And I am sitting here clutching a comforting hot hot-water bottle.   I have become a pensioner in a cold flat.  But I can't claim fuel poverty. In fact, when the Captain returns and presses he right combination of buttons, warmth should be restored.

As for what it must be like to be a rough sleeper in this weather!    Once again, how much we need the Kingdom of God, under whose loving rule we can go to bed in safety, not needing to worry about those who have no bed to go to. Everyone will have a home then. And we will have no need to lock and bolt our doors and windows.

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