Tuesday 16 February 2016

The Great Marmalade Muffin Shortage

The Five Year Cake-Baking Plan of Comrade Mrs Captain Butterfly has failed - to some extent. Comrade Captain said reproachfully yesterday that there were no more marmalade muffins in the freezer - only carrot cake.  Instantly this started a worrying train of thought in my mind in which he is found wandering malnourished in the wilds of Sussex and has to be taken into care because his wife failed to supply him with homemade muffins.

Even worse,  I packed up his sandwiches plus fruit cake the other weekend and he forgot to take them. When I opened the fridge and found them there my mind rushed straight back to the Wilderness, picturing a collapsed Captain, one skeletal arm reaching out desperately for the last withered blackberry on the brambles...    Thank goodness Sussex is well stuffed with tea shops, pubs and Chicken McNugget outlets.

Anyway, that gives me my project for tomorrow morning.  Make another batch of muffins.

Well - tentatively - until the next disaster - things seem to be moving in the right direction.  Captain Butterfly, Terry, Jackie and I went to the talk at The Arundel Wetland Trust last night.  Michael (Blencowe) was giving it, and I didn't want to miss one of his talks. He more than lived up to the billing we had given Jackie - and we laughed all the way through - and learnt a lot about what has been done for wildlife in Sussex over the last hundred years.  If a lot has been saved, a lot has been lost.

If I didn't know that Jehovah will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth" I would be in despair.

And then today I was taken out for a walk in the local park.  It was very muddy and slippery - worryingly. But we got to feed the ducks - or rather we tried to, but ended up feeding a squadron of squawking seagulls.

And Col will take me to the meeting on Thursday!

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