Friday 15 January 2016


Back to counting recovery landmarks - and last night i slept right through to 6 a.m.!    That is the first full night's sleep since my accident - mostly i have only been getting 3 to 4 hours.

The horrors in the news are startling - and it also sounds as if we are in for a big economic crash.   Difficult times hard to deal with - 1914 having been a landmark date in Bible prophecy, marking the beginning of the end of the current wicked system of things on the earth - a time of great hope, along with the horrors and the difficulty.

The Captain did a big shop yesterday - lots of fruit and veg plus a Cooks chicken for our supper with Jacks.  He kindly posted the first of the Jan mags - i hope to plod though them a few a day - one-handed - and he also posted the copy of my book i had promised to send to Janet,  And he went off and did his Sussar training.  I am more dependent on him than during my knee recovery, but at least he can get out.

Today?    More magazines, and some studying i hope. But we began with a shower - Captain Butterfly hosing me down.

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