Wednesday 27 April 2022

The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower

We - the siblings and myself - had our usual Zoom session on Monday morning. The Captain Zooms with his siblings on Monday evenings.  As we both have a sibling who lives abroad, I hope this will continue even when (if?) Covid-wise things go back to normal.  As we chatted, we heard the work commence on the new roof Nute is having at the bungalow. Its going to be a stressful business, but is much needed.

As the lovely month of May rushes towards us, here is a Spring Haiku by the master of Haiku Matsuo Basho:

“Thanks for all”

Expressing my gratitude to blossoms

At the parting.

Apparently if blossom is not specified in a Haiku, it is always cherry blossom.   And yes, how beautiful the blossom is, and how quickly it goes.  And the pictures at the head of this blog are of some rather unusual blossom from the Foxglove tree.  The photos are the Captain's of course. There is a foxglove tree in the grounds of Arundel Castle (a place very well worth a visit).

And every flower is a miracle.  The poet, Dylan Thomas, spoke of "the force that through the green fuse drives the flower".   And that force is the spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Creator of this intricate and awe-inspiring universe, and this lovely planet Earth.

May and September are my two favourite months - and when I come to think about it, and as I may have mentioned in my blog before, it was in those two months that the beauty of the earthly creation spoke to me.  

It took me nearly 35 years though to follow up on the first intimation I had at the age of 5 when I sat in a smoke blackened paved and walled Sheffield garden in May, playing shop with a little friend, with the May blossom blooming and falling all around us. It shone on the black stone, and I suddenly felt full of happiness and wonder.

And then many years from my 5 year old self, when I was thinking and wondering about everything, the calm beauty of a September sky in Sheffield got through to me and told me, as clearly as if it had spoken, that there is a Creator. And that he made this so lovely, just for us. I have certainly spoken of that moment in my blog before.

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