Saturday 9 April 2022

The Flight of the Sparrow

This is a picture of my parents' wedding - which took place just after World War 2.  As you see, two of my uncles are still in their uniforms.  Its amazing they survived it.  One uncle fought Rommel in the desert, the other was with the Russian convoys, in great danger from submarine attack.  My granny is there.  And this is taken outside the back garden door of Nabbs Cottage. It had three doors: a front door into a tiled hall with big staircase - a door that nobody ever used (we used back doors in the North in those days) - the back door (never locked back then) - and the door into the garden which led onto the top lawn. That is where this photo was taken.

My father has only one person there - our Uncle Merry (Marion).  The remnants of his family and friends were cut off behind the Iron Curtain, and would remain so.  

I guess this photograph is of a world as ancient to the young of today as my great grandparents Victorian childhood was to me.  But it also tells me that the past is not as faraway as we think. It is just that our lives are so short now - just the flight of the sparrow.

But we were made to live forever on this beautiful planet.  And our Creator, Jehovah, is offering every one of us the opportunity to do so, through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which will be memorialised next Friday after sunset.  You are so welcome to join us,  Details of how to do so,  to join us in cyberspace, from your own computer, are on the website

And I hope so much that because of that sacrifice, those in this photograph have a wonderful awakening ahead of them, when the whole earth is at peace under the loving rule of God's Kingdom.  There will be no more need for military uniforms then - no more war!

It would be so lovely to see them again - if I am there.  They have been a long time gone.

This is also of course another opportunity to mention my book "Disraeli Hall" inspired by both the houses of my childhood:  Nabbs Cottage, and the house I call 5 Disraeli Crescent in the book.  Its a thriller, I hope - both frightening and funny (I also hope).

It is the Circuit Overseer's visit this week, and I plan to put a few points from his talks into my next blog.  I am feeling very tired and down, and I wasted one day of it by managing to lose one of my hearing aids - the one that I really need (my other ear is not very effective with or without its Aid).  I looked everywhere, including in all the washing that came out of the machine, for most of the day. 

 "Don't panic", said Captain B, from his field. "I will find it when I get home."

And he did. About 3 minutes after he arrived.  I must also add that I asked Jehovah to find it for me. And so he did.  What a precious gift from God a good husband is.

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