Wednesday 12 January 2022

The Flower and the Fuse

I was trying to remember a line from a Dylan Thomas poem in the early hours:  "The force that through the green fuse drives the flower."  I can't remember the poem, but that line has stayed with me. When I was a child living in the house I call 5 Disraeli Crescent in "Disraeli Hall", I used to watch every Spring for the lupin shoots appearing in my father's cherished garden.

He always had them. They reminded him of his childhood, when the local farmers would rest the fields every 5 or maybe 7 years by planting them with lupins.  And I would watch these little green shoots appear in the black earth and turn themselves into perfect little lupins. I knew I was watching a miracle, though I didn't back then define it as that. I just knew.  And in any case, the world wants us all to believe in the theory of evolution, not the miracle of creation. So we are not encouraged to think about what the creation is so clearly telling us.

It took me many years before I found out what the force that drives the flower is.  It is of course the spirit of our Grand Creator, the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.  

I mention my father's love of the lupin fields of his childhood at the end of Disraeli Hall, and I found the above lupin photo to head my blog. Its one Captain Butterfly took in our local park.

It's a dental week, sadly.  Poor Col had a root canal yesterday, which has left some more work to be done - and I have a session with the Dental surgeon today, which I am truly dreading.  While Col was suffering I was in a long session with some siblings working on our return visits.

And I plan to spend the morning in the Zoom field service with another of my siblings, which will give me something positive to think about.

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