Sunday 9 January 2022

After Poussin


Captain B took this photo of one of my brother-in-law Ken Reah's paintings. It is after a painting by Poussin, called, I think "Man Washing Feet" or maybe "Peasant Washing Feet", or maybe "Nobleman who Paid for this Painting Washing His Feet", but he would probably have servants to do it for him.

If you look carefully you will see my sister and Sally the dog disappearing into the middle distance.   

Friday began well with a field service meeting and I got my letter witnessing re-started.  The afternoon went a bit downhill as it is that Tax time of year. I spent much of the afternoon doing long divisions all involving the number 12, and realised that I no longer remember my Twelve Times Table!  Is this the beginning of the end? At least I can still remember how to do long division.

Captain B does the awful on-line form.

We have to make this titanic effort every year all for nothing as we never owe any taxes or are due any back.  We just seem to plod along in neutral.

I feel sure there will be no money, or taxes, when the earth is restored to paradise. What would money be for? Who would need it, and why? There is plenty for everyone on the earth even now, even as things are, but war, politics, greed, incompetence, natural disasters (as we cannot control the natural forces). the fact that "it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step", all get in the way.

Saturday was very rainy and a sodden Col and Jim left the detecting fields early - a most unusual occurrence.  It is sunny this morning, and they left not quite as early as usual for a field not quite so far away.

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