Wednesday 27 October 2021

Toadstool Time

Here is a Fly Agaric as photographed by Captain Butterfly.  It is a splendid thing, and it is also a red warning light, telling us "I am very poisonous".   

Yesterday was my diabetes eye test - a new thing on my list of medical requirements (which is getting to marathon length).  The Captain dropped me off, and I walked back.  I avoided cutting through the dark fastness of Lobbs wood.   I have - foolishly - watched Mr.Ballen's compelling Youtube videos about people lost in the forest and wilderness and know that anything could happen in those 20 or so steps it takes to cross through it to the pavement on the other side.

We also delivered a copy of Disraeli Hall to a friend who had read and liked Waiting for Gordo.  That was followed by a Billy Bunterish dash to Turners Pies to get something for supper.  Our supermarket delivery doesn't arrive till this morning, and I seemed to have miscalculated meal-wise.  So Col had just found out it was baked beans for tea otherwise.

Going backwards, Sunday morning was the meeting and that was about all I did apart from get Captain Butterfly's supper ready for his return from planet Binsted   Monday morning was spent trying to re-schedule the delivery of my medicine.  I rang Lilian of Planet ExExpat and we had a long chat. She has nearly finished Disraeli Hall.  And I am sending her one of the recent magazines, which is "A Secure Future, How Can You Find It?". We will be trying to get them into as many households as we can, because the world news is heartbreaking.  And surely many people must be wondering about the future.

There are Eco activists out, disrupting all they can, such is their concern about the damage we are doing to the earth. Though I think what they are doing is not helping in the least.  There are so many people displaced, on the move, or wishing they could be, as there seems no way of even keeping alive where they are...    truly truly, as our Creator warns "it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step".  It is as if the whole system is poisoned, and we cannot put it right.

Which leads me back to the Fly Agaric, which does at least warn us by its distinctive colour... I am wondering if, when the whole world is under the loving perfect rule of the Kingdom of God, will it still be poisonous? Or not?  I can only hope we are all there to find out.  There will be nothing to distress us then.

 "They will sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree,

And no one will make them afraid,

For the mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken."

Micah 4:4

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