Wednesday 6 October 2021

DISRAELI HALL or The Ego Has Landed

Facebook and its related sites crashed in some mysterious way on Monday, but seem to have reappeared this morning. (Tuesday as I am starting this blog)  I was just about to pop a parchment ordering some carrier pigeons onto the next Stagecoach heading for Old London Town, but, as I said, facebook is back.

I found this review of Disraeli Hall on my Amazon page - from a real author too!  He seems to find it sadder than I had meant it to be. I give Sarah (my heroine) a very hopeful ending. And I also hope it is funny as well as scary.  But the book started with my thoughts about the lost childhood paradise of Nabbs Cottage, so maybe even though I did not manage to re-create Nabbs in any way (which was originally my intention), I did convey that feeling of loss.  

But the book is not a lament for the good old days. The good days lie ahead of us - as I hope Sarah's do - if we will only listen to our Creator.

Anyway, my kind reviewer begins:

"Unlike some authors I won’t name, Sue Knight doesn’t write the same story twice. Her new novel doesn’t resemble the delightful, dream-like but unsettling Waiting for Gordo or her beautifully constructed Till they Dropped. Once again there are dream-like sequences and there are pleasing, sometimes bewildering, intricacies of plot structure, but this is quite a different book from its predecessors. It combines elements of Gothic romance, murder mystery, and angry regret at the progressive destruction of traditional life and communities by the inexorable march of money-fuelled modernisation..."

I am thrilled that he likes my whole oeuvre - all 3 of it - really thrilled. What you want when you write a book is for people to enjoy reading it.  I have to hope he found it quite funny too - though admittedly he does not say so.  He liked my villain, Ava Maggs, though she is not too villainous. I have left it open just how bad she might have been. To me she is the classic office politician. They do well in their careers - as she does - but can cause a lot of unhappiness.  They also have an almost unerring instinct for the politics of any situation, for where the real power lies.

It is the Circuit Overseer visit this week, and he gave us the first of his talks last night - as our midweek meeting is moved to a Tuesday in the week of his visit.

The talk was entitled: Jehovah loves those who love his Son.   And think about it. Don't we love those who love our children?   

But how do we show Jehovah that we love his only-begotten son, Jesus, who is the first born of his creation?  Wouldn't it be by listening to him and obeying him?   And what was Jesus' final command while he was on the earth?

The Gospel of Matthew ends this way:  

"Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”"

The end of the current wicked system of things on the earth is imminent, but it has not come yet, so this command still stands.  Which is why we go house to house - or letterbox to letterbox at the moment - with the good news of the Kingdom of God.

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