Tuesday 12 October 2021

Ear Ear (Covid Booster)

I learnt a lesson on Monday, when we drove to Chi for our booster Covid shots.  Just as we began the queueing - all very efficient by the way - my hearing aids suddenly told me that their batteries were about to run out.  And so they did. I spent my time not hearing any instructions, and not seeing much either as I had forgotten to put de-mister on my glasses, and wearing the mask makes them steam up.  Thank God the Captain was on hand to steer me through and hear and see for me.

And the volunteers and medical staff were all very kind and patient.  I do thank them too.

Of course I have been in lockdown during my hearing aid year(s) and have not until yesterday realised that I need to travel with spare batteries. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

Sunday was the last day of the Circuit Overseer's visit, and we had two talks from him at the Sunday meeting.  The first, the public talk, was Can Love Conquer Hatred?   And the second - a special talk - was Have You Come to Understand Everything?

Re the second talk, you would think it would be a very short talk, consisting of the answer "No",  However that was not the point.   To summarise that talk, assuming I got the point, Jehovah gives us the amount of knowledge we need to make the right decision. But will we listen to Him?

A point from the first talk was this.  God is love. And the rebellion in Eden was a rebellion against love.  The result:  the tragedy of the last 6,000 years of human history.    I was reading today about brutal assaults on our Russian brothers and sisters in Russia... yet all they have done is try to tell all who will listen about the Kingdom of God.   Well, the authorities there are demonstrating how much we need that Kingdom's loving rule.

My Sunday afternoon job was to cook the mince and make a cottage pie for Col. It helped to use up some of the bag of potatoes he gleaned too.  It turned out OK.  And reminded me of the Darts Era in Saudi when we had a darts night every Wednesday (Wednesday was Friday night there, as the weekend was Thursday and Friday).  Dave and Maxine and Bob and Sai (if she was in Kingdom) used to come round and I used to make a giant cottage pie, served with plenty of veggies, and ice cream to follow.

We entertained a lot in those days, and I cooked a lot.  My cooking skills seem to be deserting me now, along with just about everything else...

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