Monday 10 May 2021


On our way back from our failed walk on Friday - the Gardens were Closed but we had a short walk to the top for a bit of a Downland view instead - we stopped at the small garden centre and got some more nemesia for the balcony, so I hope the air will soon be filled with  their scent.

It rained heavily on Saturday morning which will have helped them to settle down in their new home.  It was field service on Saturday morning in Zoom of course - and one of the younger sister helped me to find 3 of the mysterious missing 5 dwellings from my current territory.   And Sunday was our Circuit Assembly - a day of Bible teaching, usually held somewhere in the badlands of Surrey -  but today I will be at my own computer and in my own kitchen - livestreamed.

The theme was:  MAKE JEHOVAH'S HEART REJOICE.  It was wonderful but also depressingly tiring. I am so feeble these days.

There are some wonderful things to take away from it - and also some things that make me feel guilty at the way I have been using my time.

The theme Scripture was Proverbs 27:11:  "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him who taunts me."

We can make Jehovah's heart rejoice if we serve him loyally, out of love.   And the first  Speaker started with the question:  What can we give to someone who has everything?  Jehovah is the Source of life, the universe and everything, yet he allows us to give him something in return for all he has given us.  We have free will and can choose whether we wish to serve him loyally - or not.

And Jehovah tells us how happy it makes him when we do.  It makes us very happy too - even as things are now - and probably more happy than we can now imagine in the restored earthly paradise.

And if you want to know who it is that taunts Jehovah, who claims that not one of us children of Adam will serve him out of love, but only if we are bribed to do so, then do look art the first chapter of Job.

Lilian - exPlanetExpat - rang me  just after the Assembly had finished - and we had a chat about our difficulties and old times.  Like me she used to be a great walker.  We have known each other for a long long time - and its not really possible to talk about our Dhahran days with anyone who wasn't there.  Its not interesting for them, and its also hard to explain how it was.

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